Applications are accepted for the Castaic Town Council when there is an General Election which is every 2 years for all 5 Regions or if there is a vacancy.
Call for Candidates
Length of Term:
Directors of the Castaic Area Town Council Inc. shall serve for a term of (4) four years. No one may serve continuously for more than (3) three full elected terms. (Elected or appointed time for vacancies not included). A council director may serve and/or seek a (3rd) third consecutive term ONLY if no qualified application(s) are received upon the closing of the designated open application period for the regions open seat. In the event at least (1) one qualified application is received the current council director will not be permitted to run for a (3rd) third consecutive term.
Please note that an election for one of the seats in each of the 5 Regions occur every 2 years. Exceptions would be special elections or vacancies and resignations.
Candidates need to fill out the candidate application found on our web site.
There is a $50 filing fee (please send to the town council PO Box:
Castaic Area Town Council
PO Box 325
Castaic, CA 91310
Filing date opens Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Application and filing fee must be received no later than 12 noon Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Election held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at the Castaic Sports Complex.
A candidate shall be:
At least 18 years of age
A Resident of Castaic for a Minimum for One Year
A Registered voter within the boundaries of the Castaic Area
Town Council Inc. (A candidate can only be elected and
serve in the Region in which they reside.)
Region Map: Castaic is divided into five geographic regions, each represented by two seats on the Town Council.
Region 1: Live Oak, North Bluffs, Hillcrest Park, Hasley Hills and the Valencia Commerce Center
Region 2: Val Verde Area
Region 3: Hasley, Sloan and Romero Canyons
Region 4: Meadowood, Bravo, Encore, Castaic east of I-5 & south of Lake Hughes Road
Region 5: Double C Ranch, Hidden Lake, Stonegate, NorthLake, Castaic east of I-5 and north of Lake Hughes Road
• The Castaic Area Town Council Inc. shall not borrow money nor incur indebtedness.
• Strive to accurately mirror in its policies and actions the positions and concerns of the residents of the Castaic Areas.
• Represent the region and community with equal consideration.